OpenCV: 3 Stepped Simple Project for Background Removal
OpenCV is a Python library that stands for Open Source Computer Vision library. This library is a collection of functions(tools) that are helpful to us in image processing, video analysis, object detection & recognition, machine learning integration, graphics, robotics, and many more. In this blog, we will learn how to subtract(remove) background from a video…
Master Data Analytics: Elevate Your Career in Noida, 2024 Edition
A Data Analytics course is an exciting way to step into the data science field, advance your career, and grow financially. If you’re a non-IT professional and want to switch your career to data science, it is the right decision and Noida is an excellent place to offer you the best data analyst course. In…
Empowering Encryption: Mastering the Caesar Cipher in 3 powerful Steps
In the world of cryptography, Caesar Cipher is considered to be one of the simplest yet historically important encryption methods in simple words Caesar cipher is one of the foundations in the world of cryptography despite being the simplest and easiest to crack in today’s era. It is named after Julius Caesar who used this…
Data Science Course Fees: The Art of Investment in Data Science in 3 ways
Paying the data science course fee is an investment in itself which must be done wisely. Before understanding this investment let us have a glance at why data science is important and why it is necessary for you. There is no doubt that data science has become one of the most fascinating jobs over the…
Why you should learn data science in 2024?
Before getting into the discussion of why you learn data science, first, let us have a brief knowledge of what data science is? What is Data Science? A field of study where we study data with the help of multiple tools and technology to extract meaningful information. This meaningful information is used by companies of…
Python: Create Guess the Word game in 6 steps
Python is a powerful multi-purpose programming language used by multiple giant companies. It has simple and easy-to-use syntax making it the perfect language for someone trying to learn computer programming for the first time Introduction to Python’s Guess the Word Game In this Project, we will create a program to create a guess the word…
5 kind of analysis Data Analysts do to find amazing insights
Blinkit Data Analyst: Blinkit hires data analysts on a large scale. Not only blinkit , if you are applying for the data science job roles at e-commerce. You must have a project on e-commerce. This blog will focus from basic to advanced , how a data analyst find meaningful insights. 1. Understanding E-commerce Data: E-commerce…
Data Science Dominance: 6 Dynamic Revolutions Reshaping Decision-Making in Finance
Before discussing data science in finance, let’s go back a few steps and understand finance first. Introduction: It doesn’t matter, if we are talking about the USA, England, Russia, India, Ukraine, or any other country in the world, every country’s finance sector is always the backbone of that country’s economy. The finance sector of a…
Pygame, a Python library to create your own game in 8 steps: Space Invader
We all know that Python is a general-purpose programming language with lakhs of libraries that can help you in various projects. These libraries are created to make our tasks easy and efficient in all fields like if we talk about calculations we have numpy, if we talk about the analysis we have pandas, if we…
Nested Lists: 10 Easy Steps for Student Management System
As we all know a list is a data type in Python that allows us to store multiple values/items of various data types in a single variable which also helps in handling huge amounts of data but still list alone is not sufficient in handling huge data so to solve this problem we use nested…