Before getting into the discussion of why you learn data science, first, let us have a brief knowledge of what data science is?
What is Data Science?
A field of study where we study data with the help of multiple tools and technology to extract meaningful information. This meaningful information is used by companies of all sectors like finance, entertainment, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, e-commerce, banking, insurance, education, government, gaming, etc. or we can also say that there is no industry left that does not use the features of data science.
Nowadays every company needs meaningful information in every aspect of their company because every decision is taken on behalf of meaningful information only like intelligence, identifying opportunities and risks, customer insights, optimizing operations, performance measurement, fraud detection, risk management, compliance and regulatory requirements, etc.
“The insights based on these analysis help a company grow its profits by millions of dollars as well as minimize its expenses, increase productivity, staying ahead of the competition.”
If you wish to learn more about Data Science and have an in-depth knowledge of this field. Read this blog
What Is Data Science In Simple Words?
So now the question comes,
Why you should learn data science?
You may find many people with many different reasons for not upskilling themselves like they don’t have time, their responsibilities, they can not start studying again, etc but the simple explanation for all these reasons is that people like these are habitual procrastination(a habit of delaying things) but they are not aware of
“Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin”

But we are not going to discuss their reasons for procrastination instead we are going to discuss the reasons why you should learn data science and what it has for you?
You are reading, Why You Should Learn Data Science in 2024?
1. Baby Period: If we go back to the early 1990s era when India opened its doors for foreign investments, many companies from petroleum, steel, textile, chemicals, retail, etc sectors entered the market and they started hiring engineers to work in their companies. This was called the B.Tech wave at that time, everyone started pursuing a degree as there was a huge demand for graduates.
After some time, the wave shifted to management jobs and companies started hiring MBA graduates and everyone started pursuing an MBA.

Now the same is happening in the data science field. It has been in demand for the last 5-6 years when the companies found a surge in data collection and to analyze that data they need data analysts, big data analysts, and data scientists. This demand is in the growing stage which is why it is also called as baby period of data science.
You are reading, Why You Should Learn Data Science in 2024?
2. Unmet Demands: There is a large gap in demand and supply in terms of data science jobs and candidates who can fill these gaps. Companies are in a race to hire the best analysts for their company with a handsome package even to the freshers also.

But no matter how hard the companies try, they are unable to fill this gap. One of the reasons for this problem is that nowadays every company needs a complete team of data analysts who work on every collected data from different perspectives and provide the best insight for healthy decision-making and turn the data into a goldmine for increasing profits. These increasing profits are the reasons, the companies are ready to pay the best for the best.
Why you should learn data science in 2024?
3. Technology Advancements: The IT industry is one of the industries that is evolving every day. We cover Python as a programming language, then libraries of Python for data manipulation and visualization then Pyspark for big data problems, and many others but the same thing happens in the data science field too, the technologies evolve regularly but all these new technologies are dependent on the older technologies like spark technology is an advance version of Hadoop.

So if anyone is procrastinating in terms of creating a career in data science, and is losing time only because the baby period of data science is growing day by day, you can start now which will help you in growing this field.
Why you should learn data science in 2024?
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4. Future Proof Career: In today’s times, people say that they work in finance, healthcare, insurance industries, etc but with the speed by which the market is evolving every industry is turning into an IT industry with the help of data science and the ones who lack in IT skillsets will fall behind in the market in terms of skills, in terms of growth, in terms of value creation, etc.
As we have seen in the past, companies used to lay off employees who were not able to contribute to the progress of the company in big numbers so avoid this happening with you soon and start working on your skill sets from today itself.

Amongst all the sectors of IT, data science is the only sector that is growing, with ample amount of opportunity, less competition with no requirement of an IT background or degree. These are 4 of the many reasons that you must consider before avoiding thinking about why I should learn data science.
If you can not think clearly about why you should learn data science, you can also refer to this blog:
When should I move into data science?