Data Science Dominance: 6 Dynamic Revolutions Reshaping Decision-Making in Finance
Before discussing data science in finance, let’s go back a few steps and understand finance first. Introduction: It doesn’t matter, if we are talking about the USA, England, Russia, India, Ukraine, or any other country in the world, every country’s finance sector is always the backbone of that country’s economy. The finance sector of a…
Dive into the World of OpenCV: Making Computer Vision Fun and Easy
Introduction To OpenCV Have you ever wondered how computers can understand images like humans do? Well, that’s where OpenCV comes in! It’s like a magic toolbox full of tricks that helps computers see, understand, and manipulate images. In this blog, we’re going to explore OpenCV together, starting from the basics and working our way up…
Pygame, a Python library to create your own game in 8 steps: Space Invader
We all know that Python is a general-purpose programming language with lakhs of libraries that can help you in various projects. These libraries are created to make our tasks easy and efficient in all fields like if we talk about calculations we have numpy, if we talk about the analysis we have pandas, if we…
Nested Lists: 10 Easy Steps for Student Management System
As we all know a list is a data type in Python that allows us to store multiple values/items of various data types in a single variable which also helps in handling huge amounts of data but still list alone is not sufficient in handling huge data so to solve this problem we use nested…
12 concepts to excel in Python to kickstart your career in Data Science
Before jumping to Python let us have a look at data science. We all can agree that data science has become one of the most famous and high-paying jobs with minimum requirements for any fresher from any background whether it is a BA, MA, MBA, B.Tech, BBA, BCA, etc from the last 5-6 years. This…
13 reasons why Python can be your ultimate guide to the IT world?
Python was developed by Guido Von Rossum in the year 1992 and we all know that Python is the most demanding and rewarding programming language in today’s times. But before discussing it further, we all must agree that in today’s era, the IT industry has become an ocean of opportunities where you can enter and…
Banking 2.0: The Dynamic Role of Data Analytics in Shaping Future Strategies
Let’s discuss the problem first: Before understanding how data analytics help the banking sector let us have a glimpse of this sector. As we all know the primary business of any bank is to collect money from their customers in their savings account and then give loans to other needy customers and charge interest from…