Category: Python

Streamlit app for QR Toolkit in 6 simple steps

Streamlit is a popular framework for building interactive web applications with Python. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to a Streamlit toolkit that empowers you to effortlessly create and scan QR codes using Python. With just a few lines of code, you’ll be generating and decoding QR codes like a pro. But before proceeding […]

OpenCV: Edge detection in 6 steps

In the ever-evolving field of computer vision(OpenCV), edge detection is a fundamental technique that plays an important role in various applications like image processing, object detection, and so on. It does not matter whether you are a new data analyst or an experienced data scientist who wants to expand your toolkit, understanding and implementing edge […]

Conquer Career Gaps: 5 Reasons to Pursue Data Science as a Fresh Start

Career Gaps have become quite relevant in today’s rapidly evolving jobs market and the path to a successful career is rarely a straight line. A lot of people in their careers, face quite several ups and downs whether due to personal reasons, exploring new interests, or going through unexpected challenges but if you are considering […]

OpenCV: 3 Stepped Simple Project for Background Removal

OpenCV is a Python library that stands for Open Source Computer Vision library. This library is a collection of functions(tools) that are helpful to us in image processing, video analysis, object detection & recognition, machine learning integration, graphics, robotics, and many more. In this blog, we will learn how to subtract(remove) background from a video […]

Is Python Programming really important for Data Science, 5 points to acknowledge.

“Is Python programming really necessary for data science?” is a question that revolves in our minds again and again whenever we try to think about switching/creating our career in IT. One thing that we must be clear about is that Data science is a branch of IT too. To create a career in the IT […]

Build your first Python app in 5 minutes: ‘Ask Me Anything’

Before jumping into the Python app, let us have a brief about Python. We all know that Python is a general-purpose programming language which means Python can be used for various requirements whether it is data science, machine learning, task automation, game development, or web-based app development. Python has a wide range of libraries to […]

Beyond Caesar Cipher: Empowered Encryption and decryption in 5 steps

encryption and decryption In this blog, we are going to create a program that will create an encrypted message for any text inputted by the user but before that let us have a brief history of encryption and decryption In the world of cryptography, Caesar’s cipher is considered the base of the advanced encryption and […]

Empowering Encryption: Mastering the Caesar Cipher in 3 powerful Steps

In the world of cryptography, Caesar Cipher is considered to be one of the simplest yet historically important encryption methods in simple words Caesar cipher is one of the foundations in the world of cryptography despite being the simplest and easiest to crack in today’s era. It is named after Julius Caesar who used this […]

Python: Create Guess the Word game in 6 steps

Python is a powerful multi-purpose programming language used by multiple giant companies. It has simple and easy-to-use syntax making it the perfect language for someone trying to learn computer programming for the first time Introduction to Python’s Guess the Word Game In this Project, we will create a program to create a guess the word […]

File Handling: Create your contacts book in a notepad in 7 steps

Why file handling? When we create a program and run it, the console screen displays the output but the console screen has a volatile memory like RAM which means it has limited memory to accumulate a huge amount of data. So to achieve this, the console screen removes the old data and shows a new […]

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