Author: Console Flare

Python Miscellaneous Questions

Python Practice Questions Here are a few Python practice problem statements at a moderate difficulty level with solutions,: If you have solved all the problems I have mentioned, you have a good understanding of basic to intermediate level Python concepts, such as variables, data types, control structures, loops, functions, and some string and list manipulation. […]

Netflix Data Analysis with the help of Python and Pandas

Netflix Data Analysis: Netflix has always been a data-driven company since its reception.Netflix uses data to extract insights and use them in improving their services. Let us do a simple project with the help of pandas to answer some questions of Netflix Data. Download data from here : Import Libraries Import Dataset Sno show_id type […]

5 Best Uses Of Data Science In Gaming

Data Science In Gaming: The gaming industry is super huge. There is no denying that. According to industry statistics, The Gaming Market was valued at USD 198.40 billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach a value of USD 339.95 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR(Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 8.94% over 2022-2027. Due […]

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