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MIS Engineer to Data Analyst – 2023 Special

MIS Engineer

Many of you must be from the MIS field and have been exploring new & relevant fields to move on with your career. If you’re an MIS engineer looking for a career change and have a growth mindset, you’ve landed at the right place.

In this article, we’re going to discuss how can you move to the data field and work as a data analyst if your previous experience is as an MIS engineer.

Before diving deep into how to become a data analyst, let us first talk about the MIS field and what MIS professionals do. This section is for those who came here just to get an idea about the MIS field and what tasks an MIS engineer performs in a company.

What is MIS?

MIS stands for Management Information Systems. MIS is the study of individuals, groups of people, businesses, organizations, technology, and the co-relation among them.

Professionals working in the MIS field are generally referred to as MIS engineers. They assist companies in getting the maximum return on investment (ROI) from the business process optimization point of view. MIS engineers or MIS executives serve their company and people intending to improve people’s lives through tech-based solutions.

Read More: Who Are Delivery Analysts, And What Do They Do?

What does an MIS Engineer do?

The job of an MIS engineer is not very much different from that of a data professional. MIS professionals in any company are responsible for collecting, operating, processing, and storing all the data at all levels. They generally manage a database of all the employees, their expenses, business operations costs, bills, reimbursements, sales figures, etc.

An MIS engineer in different domains might perform the tasks differently, but the overall work of an MIS engineer revolves around data management by creating management information systems.

If you’re an MIS engineer planning a career change in a similar domain, you can focus on becoming a data professional where profiles like data analysts, data engineers, data scientists, BI analysts, and database managers can be a perfect suit for you.

Working in collaboration with all the teams in a company, the task of an MIS engineer is to keep track of all the business operations data, searching, storing, and analyzing it to help business optimize their process and generate more revenue.

That sound like the tasks of a data analyst, RIGHT!!!!

Definitely, MIS engineers are not much different from data analysts. The only difference is the tools they work with.

Tools used by MIS Engineers

As an MIS engineer, you must have good knowledge of MS Office tools like MS Excel, MS Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook. The job of an MIS engineer is to analyze the business information and visualize it in graphs and charts to make it easy for the management.

Knowledge of Advanced Excel & sometimes basic knowledge of database technologies like SQL can be sufficient for the job of an MIS professional.

There might be different tools & software used by companies across the globe for MIS reporting. These tools are Ubiq, MS Excel, Google Data Studio, OWOX BI, etc.

Read More: What Does An Operations Analyst Do?

How MIS engineers can move to Data Analytics?

Being an MIS engineer, it is always beneficial for you to become a data analyst as the tasks in both profiles are pretty much the same. Different tools in both profiles distinguish them and can create a massive difference in the salary packages.

in the previous section, we’ve explained the tools used by MIS engineers for data reporting and visualization. In this section, we’ll list down a few skills & tools to help you become a successful data analyst.

  1. Python Programming
  2. Data Analysis Tools (NumPy, Pandas)
  3. Data Visualization Tools (Matplotlib, Seaborn)
  4. Big Data Analytics Tools (PySpark)
  5. Predictive Analysis (Scikit Learn)
  6. Business Intelligence Tools (Power BI or Tableau)

Knowledge of these tools mentioned above can be pretty enough to land you into a high-paying salary package as a data analyst.

To get an idea about moving your career from an MIS engineer to a data analyst, you can book a free career consultation call with our counselors, who will guide you through every tiny detail and how you can smoothly make a career change within 3 months.

If you’re looking forward to learning the tools & technologies that can help you become a data analyst, you can explore these amazing certification programs by Console Flare that can land you a high-paying job in your domain as a data analyst or a data scientist:

1. Python For Data Analytics Certification Program

2. Masters in Data Science With Power BI Certification Program

If you already have knowledge of Python or R programming and libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn, you can explore the latest job opportunities in the data field here:

Latest Job Vacancies in Data Field

Have any questions about Data analytics, Python programming, Big data, Machine learning, and Business intelligence? Chat with us on WhatsApp.

For more such latest information, follow our LinkedIn Page.

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