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The Future of Data Science: Next 50 Years Are Exciting

Future of Data Science

The year is 2022, and you can very much say that we’re already living in the future. The innovation in the field of technology has given birth to many revolutionary fields like Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. As data science is definitely the buzzword here in 2022, what is the future of data science? What will it look like in the next 50 years?

Ever think about it? Let us align your thoughts and describe all the possibilities coming to us as humans.

Data Science & Bigdata are already here even when we are not that advance in technology today. Big data is now a new normal after the rise of social media sites and the availability of the internet.

Whether you’re uploading a photo or video on Instagram, searching for a branded shoe on Google, purchasing a new gadget on Amazon, or watching a video on YouTube, you’re generating data for these companies over the internet.

Having about 3-4 billion people worldwide on the internet, the data produced by individual users is huge. The combined data of all the users are increasing unexpectedly.

Thousands of companies have already started using big data analysis tools like Apache Spark. With the increasing data, it will get difficult for companies to handle such big amounts of data.

The analysis these days is not that complicated as companies have tools to deal with it, analyze it, and extract the insights to grow their revenue or find the perfect marketing strategy for the next financial year. But, in the future, the scarcity of data might cause many problems as there will be a need for more advanced tools and quantum computers to handle this data.

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Future of Data Science: Next 10 years

As we talk about data science, we’re pretty much aware of the rise of machine learning technologies. As we move forward in the future, the advancement in machine learning technologies and tools will take place, and most of the data science tasks will be performed with the help of these tools.

Seeing that, we can already say that the jobs for skilled professionals in machine learning will be the next hot topic in the upcoming 10 years.

Future of Data Science: Next 20 years

As you’re reading this article in 2022 and talking about the future of data science, artificial intelligence is still a field of research among scientists.

Data Science & Machine Learning collectively will ultimately give rise to advanced artificial intelligence, and automation & robotics will be at their peak in the next 20 years from now. With the rise of artificial intelligence, a question might arise: Will robots outsmart humans, and is there any danger to jobs for humans in the next 20 years?

The answer is NO!

Skilled manpower will always have demands, and no one can outsmart humans. At least on this planet.

Future of Data Science: Next 50 years

The great thing about technology is that it demands. It demands advancement. Counting from 2022, the next 30-50 years will generate more data in every minute than we generate today in a day.

Standard computers will not be enough to handle this kind of data, and companies will need advanced computers to perform quantum computing on such data.

Even to perform small analysis tasks, companies will have to process humongous data as it will be challenging to perform cleaning & mining the data to make it structured.

As we are witnessing the advancement on Earth, no one can exactly say what the Earth will look like in the next 50 or 100 years.

Let’s hope for the best.

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