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Will The Employees Ever Return to Work From Office?

Work From Office vs Work From Home

It was the year 2020 when the COVID pandemic hit the globe and everything shut down. All the organizations including corporate companies, markets, schools, colleges, universities, and small & medium businesses had to close their doors. It was the time when Work From Home culture came into the picture. If you see that picture now after two years, things are still somehow in that zone only. There is a question that might arise in the mind of many of you. Working from home is comfortable for most people, is it possible for the employees to ever return to Work From Office?

Will they like it? Will they be able to come out of their comfort zone? Did they get habitual of working from home? Are big companies saving a lot of money while employees working from home? Are companies extracting enough productivity out of the employees when they work from home?

These are some of the questions that come into mind when we start to brainstorm about this issue. In most cases, we get mixed opinions from people when asked these questions.

A lot of companies have already started calling their employees back to the offices. However, a lot of companies are still figuring out the data that if the employees should work from home or work from the office!

While some companies have generated unmatched results when their employees worked from home and it saved a lot of costs for the companies too. The infrastructure costs, electricity bills, operational expenses, and a lot of expenses that were there before the pandemic, were saved by the company, giving them extra profits than employees working from the office.

Work From Home vs Work From Office

If you compare both the situations, you must have to figure out the questions that we have asked at the very start of this article. Here we will discuss one by one all the questions:

Will the employees like work from office? They might or might not like it but on getting asked these questions, most of the working people shared their thoughts about the situation. After staying at home for straight 2 years, employees are getting bored of working from home and they are looking forward to work from office as soon as possible.

What about comfort zone? It may take a little time for them to adjust to the office environment after a long gap of 2 years but definitely, they will overcome the situation and choose to work from office over their comfort zone.

Did they get habitual of working from home? They may have gotten habitual of WFH but they are more bored. When a human gets bored enough, he wants to break free and that’s what we all want right now.

Are big companies saving a lot of money from WFH? the answer to this question can be subjective and differ in every case. When we talk about big companies, there are companies that are just trying to give comfort to their employees, that are taking care of the employees, providing financial support to their employees in this situation and getting productivity from employees. Such companies will not be able to save that much money compared to those that are just out there treating their employees like machines in order to earn blood diamonds.

Answer to all these questions might be subjective but there is a thing – When a human gets bored enough with a particular situation, he breaks out of their comfort zone and tries to move to a free lifestyle.

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