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Data Science Cheat Sheet – Part 2

In the previous article, we shared some useful data science cheat sheets for a few topics. In this article, you’ll find some more data science cheat sheets for the following topics:

Part 1: Data Science Cheat Sheet

Data Science Cheat Sheet

1. Machine Learning: Machine Learning is the most trending keyword these days. These cheat sheets are the most in-demand cheat sheets in the data domain. These cheat sheets will teach you all the complex algorithms, frameworks, and neural network architectures.

Caret: Modeling and machine learning in R cheat sheet
Machine Learning Algorithm cheat sheet
Machine Learning Modeling with R cheat sheet
Machine Learning tips and tricks cheat sheet
Scikit-Learn: Python Machine Learning cheat sheet
Scikit-Learn: Machine Learning Algorithm Selection cheat sheet
Supervised learning cheat sheet
Time Series with R cheat sheet
Unsupervised learning cheat sheet

Part 1: Data Science Cheat Sheet

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is used to process and clean the text, audio and image data to extract useful information. This cheat sheet collection contains some useful information about NLP tools & algorithms.

Advanced NLP cheat sheet
Gensim cheat sheet
NLP for Beginners cheat sheet
NLP Python Introduction cheat sheet
Python & nltk cheat sheet
spaCy: Advanced NLP in Python cheat sheet
String manipulation with string cheat sheet
Regular Expressions with R cheat sheet
Transformers Documentation cheat sheet

Part 1: Data Science Cheat Sheet

3. SQL: Structured Query Language cheat sheets are most in-demand among data engineers and database managers. Not only candidates appearing for job interviews, but recruitment managers who are taking interviews, also use these cheat sheets sometimes to brush up their skills:

PostgreSQL cheat sheet
SQL for beginners cheat sheet
SQL Expert cheat sheet
SQL – Data Analysis cheat sheet

4. Statistics & Probability: To explore your career in the data domain, one must acquire good knowledge of statistics as well as have some mathematical skills. Here are some most useful stats & probability cheat sheets for you to prepare for your next interview:

Calculus for Machine Learning cheat sheet
Linear algebra for Deep Learning cheat sheet
MIT: Statistics cheat sheet
Probability cheat sheet
SciPy: Linear Algebra in Python cheat sheet
Stanford: Algebra and Calculus cheat sheet
Statistics, Probability & Math cheat sheet
Stanford: Statistics cheat sheet
William Chen’s Probability Cheatsheet 2.0

Part 1: Data Science Cheat Sheet

5. Web Scraping: Web scraping, as the name suggests, scrapes all the data that you need from the internet and it is a really cool skill to have. It’s almost magic. here, read our article: What is Web Scraping?

Beautiful Soup cheat sheet
HTML Scraping cheat sheet
Scrapy cheat sheet
Selenium cheat sheet
Web Scraping with Python cheat sheet
Web scraping with R cheat sheet
XPath cheat sheet

In upcoming articles, we’ll share some more useful data science interview tips. Hope you liked reading the article. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Part 1: Data Science Cheat Sheet

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